#WelcomingEconomy for Refugees [FR]

Under the leadership of co-chairs, The Honourable Ratna Omidvar, Rashmi Vohra (TD Bank Group) and Jim Estill (Danby Appliances), the Refugee Jobs Agenda Roundtable offers a platform for over 80 employers, employment and immigrant serving agencies and government representatives to increase refugees’ access to meaningful employment opportunities.

This page includes assets from the 2022 #WelcomingEconomy for Refugees campaign, highlighting the social and economic contributions and successes of refugees. The 2023 edition of the campaign is launching on June 1st. Stay tuned!

This page also includes information about one of the Roundtable’s flagship initiatives, the Toronto Refugee Hiring Event – co-organized by Jumpstart Refugee Talent and World Education Services and with the support of Starbucks, the Tent Partnership for Refugees, the City of Toronto and multiple other agencies – as well as resources to help businesses connect with refugee talent and build more inclusive workplaces.


Resources for Employers

Why Hire Refugees

How to Hire & Onboard

Toronto Refugee Hiring Event

For Candidates

For Employers

For Agencies

Special Thanks To

Contact Us

If you can’t find the information or resources you need, contact the Roundtable and we will direct you to the relevant organizations.

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