Toronto East Quadrant Local Immigration Partnership

The IRCC supports the development of local partnerships and community-based planning for the needs of newcomers by utilizing Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs). We seek to involve diverse stakeholders in the partnership development process which includes service provider organizations, levels of government, school boards, professional associations, ethno-cultural organizations, faith-based organizations, the social services sector as well as the community at large.

Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC)

The Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) is a multi-stakeholder council that brings leadership together to create and champion solutions to better integrate skilled immigrants in the Toronto Region labour market. We help employers and immigrants find solutions.

The Saint John Newcomers Centre

Founded in 2009, the purpose of the SJNC is to improve the cultural, social, and economic well-being of citizens and newcomers of all backgrounds to Greater Saint John and to promote equality for all cultural groups.

The King’s Trust Canada

At the King’s Trust Canada, we partner with employers and community organizations to provide free skill-building programs and mentoring that prepares youth facing barriers for the transforming world of work.

The Career Foundation

The Career Foundation facilitates connections between job seekers and employers with seven locations across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. They offer sector-specific initiatives in skilled trades and technology, youth employment programs tailored to the unique needs of our community’s youth, as well as programs for newcomers seeking valuable experience and personalized assistance with individualized job searches.

The Beer Store

The Beer Store is the largest beer retailer and recycler in Ontario, offering over 1000 brands of beer and a deposit return program for wine, spirit, and beer containers.

Tent Partnership for Refugees (TENT)

The Tent Partnership for Refugees is made up of more than 400 major companies committed to integrating refugees. Our members span industries from consumer goods to hospitality, retail to professional services, technology to manufacturing.

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