Skilled Immigrant InfoCentre – Vancouver Public Library
The Skilled Immigrant InfoCentre is an online and in-person resource centre that helps newcomers to Canada find the information they need to get a job, explore careers or start a business. All of our services and resources are free and are created by staff at Vancouver Public Library.
Syrian Canadian Foundation
The Syrian Canadian Foundation was born out of Canada’s commitment to resettling 25,000 Syrian refugees. Our mission is to provide unwavering support and services to newcomers, ensuring a seamless transition into Canadian society.
Success Skills Centre
Success Skills Centre (SSC) helps immigrant professionals seeking to work and become accredited in Canada, to be able to use their home country occupations, education, and training sooner than later.
Starling Community Services
Starling Community Services (formerly Lutherwood) is a progressive, not-for-profit that annually provides children’s mental health, employment, and housing services to more than 16,000 people of diverse identities within Waterloo Region and Wellington County.
Starbucks Canada
We call each other support partners (employees) because we believe in more than just coffee. We believe in building a bridge to a better future, creating a more sustainable future for all, giving more than we take.
Scale Without Borders
Scale Without Borders is a network that offers free events, programs, and partnerships to help newcomers break into and thrive in tech in Canada. Learn from the stories and skills of trailblazing newcomer tech leaders and entrepreneurs, and connect with the right people and opportunities.
Scadding Court Community Centre
Founded in 1975, SCCC is a multi-service, community-based organization with programs and services geared toward under-serviced, culturally and racially diverse groups including low-income women, children and families, at-risk youth, people with developmental and/or physical disabilities.
Saskatoon Open Door Society
The Saskatoon Open Door Society welcomes refugees and displaced people from around the globe by providing assistance with airport receptions, interpretation and translation services, housing, income support, health cards and medical appointments, transportation, grocery shopping, and registering children for school.