Working NB

WorkingNB services are available to New Brunswick employers and individuals looking for support, regardless the size, that has human resource challenges, including recruitment, retention and training, can reach out through a workforce consultant. Any New Brunswicker looking for career or training opportunities can connect with a WorkingNB employment counsellor.

The Saint John Newcomers Centre

Founded in 2009, the purpose of the SJNC is to improve the cultural, social, and economic well-being of citizens and newcomers of all backgrounds to Greater Saint John and to promote equality for all cultural groups.

Multicultural Agency of the Greater Moncton Area (MAGMA)

The Multicultural Agency of the Greater Moncton Area (MAGMA) is a settlement organization supports newcomers build their new home in our region by providing various services that help newcomers access essential settlement services, learn about living in Canada, develop new social and professional skills and learn English.

City of Moncton / Ville de Moncton

Moncton boasts a vibrant arts and culture scene, sporting competitions and unique community activities that take place year-round. The City of Moncton is committed to building and maintaining constructive relationships with all of its employees.


We welcome Francophone and Francophile immigrants to Southeastern New Brunswick. From their first day in the region, we offer newcomers help with first steps getting settled in Greater Moncton.

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