Success Skills Centre

Success Skills Centre (SSC) helps immigrant professionals seeking to work and become accredited in Canada, to be able to use their home country occupations, education, and training sooner than later.

Rural Manitoba Immigrant Employment Council

The Rural Manitoba Immigrant Employment Council (RMIEC) is guided through the strategic direction of an Advisory Committee and hosted by a not-for-profit organization. The RMIEC provides Rural MB employers with solutions, tools, and resources they need to attract, hire, and retain qualified immigrants.

Regional Connections Immigrant Services

Regional Connections is a one-stop-shop organization that provides services, resources, and referrals for newcomers. We provide settlement services, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes and literacy classes for adults, employment services for unemployed or underemployed.

Opportunities for Employment

Opportunities for Employment (OFE) offers free employment services designed to connect job seekers and employers to create long term, sustainable matches and grow our local labour market.

Manitoba Start

Manitoba Start is the first stop for new immigrants and international students in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It offers central registration, orientation, language, and career development services to help newcomers connect with employers and settle in the province.

Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations

The Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO) is an umbrella organization for immigrant and refugee service providers in the Province of Manitoba. MANSO provides leadership, support and a unified voice for the settlement and integration sector, including core settlement services, language training, employment services, and welcoming communities programs.

Immigration Partnership Winnipeg

Immigration Partnership Winnipeg is a collaborative initiative that brings together various stakeholders in Manitoba, with the goal of enhancing the integration and settlement of newcomers. IPW works towards creating a welcoming and inclusive community for immigrants and refugees by promoting collaboration, coordination, and knowledge sharing among its partners.

Healthy Muslim Families

Healthy Muslim Families believes in a society where we all have a high degree of social responsibility towards each other. Our services and programs are designed and developed to strengthen, empowers and fortify the family through education, workshops, services, and support, in line with Islamic values.

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