Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County
On April 8, 1973, the Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County was officially established. Our mission is to create a welcoming community for all through education, community engagement, and the promotion of diversity and equality.
Multicultural Agency of the Greater Moncton Area (MAGMA)
The Multicultural Agency of the Greater Moncton Area (MAGMA) is a settlement organization supports newcomers build their new home in our region by providing various services that help newcomers access essential settlement services, learn about living in Canada, develop new social and professional skills and learn English.
MOSAIC provides services to immigrants, refugees, and those from diverse backgrounds to help advance an inclusive and thriving Canada. Our staff and partners work together through employment, settlement, and language services to further the success and sense of belonging of newcomers.
Manitoba Start
Manitoba Start is the first stop for new immigrants and international students in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It offers central registration, orientation, language, and career development services to help newcomers connect with employers and settle in the province.
Manitoba Immigrant Employment Council
The Manitoba Immigrant Employment Council identifies and promotes employer best practices for the hiring and retention of newcomers.
Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations
The Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO) is an umbrella organization for immigrant and refugee service providers in the Province of Manitoba. MANSO provides leadership, support and a unified voice for the settlement and integration sector, including core settlement services, language training, employment services, and welcoming communities programs.
Magnet builds networks and advances social innovation with digital solutions for future-of-work challenges. It is Canada’s only digital community workforce system, connecting partners with technology solutions to remove barriers and drive economic development.